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Helpful Hints for Facilitators

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

Work together with LEAP or DME practitioners.Remember that your expertise is in gender and it’s...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

10 Easy Steps for Preparing Your Training Session

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

Step 1Review examples of training designs in this Introduction. Step 2Identify specific training...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

Core Curriculum in the Gender Training Toolkit

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

Curriculum for this training Toolkit addresses the complexities and challenges of holistically in...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

Gender training toolkit components

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

Audience for the Gender Training Toolkit

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

Facilitators for World Vision’s gender training workshops can use these Gender Training Toolkit s...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

Linking the Gender Training Toolkit to LEAP

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

World Vision’s design, monitoring and evaluation (DME) is called LEAP. In English, the acronym st...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

Linking the Gender Training Toolkit to World Vision’s Programming Tracks: Transformational Development, Humanitarian & Emergency Affairs (HEA) and Advocacy

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

Ensuring that Transformational Development Indicators and TD approaches integrate GAD principles,...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

Linking the Gender Training Toolkit to World Vision’s Integrated Focus: Christian, Child-Centred  and  Community-Based

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

Module 2 presents theological grounding for Gender and Development and encourages participants to...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

World Vision’s Response: Gender and Development Training

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

World Vision’s Gender Training Toolkit is a comprehensive response to the global challenge of imp...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

Gender Training Toolkit: Objectives

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

This Gender and Development (GAD) Training Toolkit represents a dynamic and living process, encom...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

10 Easy Steps for Preparing Your Training Session

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

Step 1Review examples of training designs in this Introduction. Step 2Identify specific training...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

Core Curriculum in the Gender Training Toolkit

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

Curriculum for this training Toolkit addresses the complexities and challenges of holistically in...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

Why Gender and Development?

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

Of 1.3 billion global citizens living in poverty, a large percentage are women. While statisticia...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

Acknowledgements, Foreword, Preface

Gender & Development Training Toolkit

Acknowledgements I would like to express my deep appreciation to the Gender Training Toolkit Cor...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

Gender Toolkit by UNICEF

Gender Toolkit by UNICEF

This is a preview of the first 30 pages of the toolkit. To view the entire PDF, download the atta...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi

Watch session on Job Searching in the Social Impact Sector

Finding Jobs within the Social Impact S...

Arthan conducted a Masterclass “Job Search in the Social Impact Sector” organized under Women at ...

Updated 6 months ago by Pooja Thyagi