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Core Curriculum in the Gender Training Toolkit

Curriculum for this training Toolkit addresses the complexities and challenges of holistically integrating Gender and Development. Module 1 presents World Vision’s organisational journey in Gender and Development. This provides both rationale and support for staff as they create space and priority for GAD work. Because theological grounding is essential for all development work in the context of a Christian NGO’s agenda and worldview, Module 2 invites participants to reflect on Jesus’ response to gender dynamics in his life and work. Familiar passages are revisited with a gender lens. This module encourages spiritual insights, motivation and endurance as staff pursue transformed gender dynamics. Module 3 covers essential GAD concepts and the importance of transformed gender relations to sustainable development.

As staff recognise GAD’s importance to their work through participation in the first three modules, they’ll need tools to implement GAD in Area Development Programmes and project work. Linking GAD concepts and foundational principles to the LEAP Cycle through Gender Analysis Tools introduced in Module 4 addresses this need. Additionally, the facilitator has opportunity to revisit concepts and insights gained in the first three modules throughout each session, integrating them into daily practise.

In any community or ADP, specific sectors (health, education, MED, HIV/AIDS) face unique challenges. This is also true as these sectors integrate GAD into their work. In Module 5, the Toolkit curriculum addresses specific sector needs through use of Gender Analysis Tools presented in Module 4. Participants are able to assess GAD needs in their sectors and actively address those needs.

A comprehensive description of each module and each session is included later in this Introduction. Additionally, training design samples are presented to demonstrate the Toolkit’s flexibility, enabling facilitators to respond to diverse staff needs and time constraints. However, it is important to note that facilitators should become familiar with all of the material in the Gender Training Toolkit. A strong foundation built in the first three modules, together with tools and sectors addressed in Modules 4 through 8, provide essential background for making training design decisions.