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An Introduction to Gender Analysis Tools

World Vision’s design, monitoring and evaluation (DME) approach is called LEAP. In English, the acronym stands for Learning through Evaluation with Accountability and Planning. The LEAP framework is the result of a comprehensive Partnership process to achieve a common DME approach.

LEAP promotes quality, accountability and professionalism in programming with communities. Its implementation builds competence and confidence, and models systematic prospective learning.

LEAP reflects World Vision’s evolving understanding and ethos of transformation for both communities with whom we work and for ourselves as an organisation that facilitates change.

LEAP describes basic organisational tasks that must be undertaken if we are to live and model a true learning culture. It seeks to re-orient World Vision’s purpose for programme monitoring and evaluation towards balancing the learning/accountability nexus and describes the need for formal reflective practise in our work.

LEAP also provides a consistent framework to measure a programme’s contribution to organisational and national objectives and, in the process, to help the organisation be accountable for that contribution. It also helps us to identify and reproduce best practises, and to learn how contributions can be sustained or even multiplied.

Gender Analysis, for development practitioners at all levels, includes integration of sound GAD practises into every phase of the LEAP Cycle. Module 4 includes specific and internationally recognised Gender Analysis Tools that assist development practitioners in this process.

The opening session in this module introduces the concept of Gender Analysis, and demonstrates how specific tools are used throughout the LEAP Cycle. Sessions covering the Harvard Analytical Framework, the Gender Analysis Matrix, The

24-Hour Day, the Equality and Empowerment Framework (EEF) and basic concepts in the Participatory Learning Approach (PLA) include opportunities to practise key components of Gender Analysis within both a training setting and a community or Area Development Programme

(ADP) setting. Finally, a session on Transformational Development gender-sensitive indicators assists participants in programme design and integrating use of the tools into their daily work.

Session Descriptions

An Introduction to Gender Analysis Tools

The what, why, who, when and how of Gender Analysis Tools is the focus of this session. What is Gender Analysis? Why conduct Gender Analysis? Who conducts Gender Analysis? When is the best time to conduct Gender Analysis? How is Gender Analysis conducted? What tools are available?

Additionally, this session presents a paradigm of how key components interact in Gender Analysis. These key components include gender roles, gender divisions of labour, access, power relations and gender needs. Participants learn how these components interact and practise recognising these dynamics as expressed in the daily language of their communities.

This session also introduces how Gender Analysis Tools are utilised throughout the LEAP Cycle.

Introduction to the Harvard Analytical Framework

A brief presentation covers the four elements of the Harvard Analytical Framework. Subsequent sessions detail each of the four elements, but this session presents the framework as an integrated whole.

The intent is to prepare participants to examine the framework in depth.

The Harvard Analytical Framework: Activity Profile

A plenary group presentation of the Activity Profile opens this session. After review of the three kinds of work (reproductive, productive and community), a skit/role-play then offers both skit participants and observers an opportunity to experience being on the receiving end of an Activity Profile, as well as opportunity to examine their own attitudes towards different kinds of work. Group discussion focuses on appropriate methodologies for gathering information using an Activity Profile, and appropriate use of the tool in each phase of the LEAP Cycle.

The Harvard Analytical Framework: Access and Control Profile

Plenary group presentation of components and essential definitions of the Access and Control Profile prepare participants for a hands-on practise session with another member of the group. Using an interview process, they administer the Access and Control Profile. Time is allotted to clarify definitions and categories. Particular sensitivities – required when eliciting this kind of information within a community – are discussed, as well as management strategies required to master use of this tool in the midst of a busy work schedule.

Participants also examine effective use of this tool in each phase of the LEAP Cycle.

The Harvard Analytical Framework: Analysis of Factors Influencing Activities, Access and Control

Using project documents from their own work, participants apply this tool to analyse external factors likely to influence the success of Transformational Development practise. Discussion centres on essential strategies to ensure sound development design practises, managing external factors to encourage positive influence through the life of the project. Use of this tool in organising data and analysing GAD constraints and opportunities in each phase of the LEAP Cycle is also a focus of this session.

The Harvard Analytical Framework: Project Cycle Analysis

Participants apply LEAP Project Cycle Analysis questions to project documents, to determine whether gender-appropriate questions or Gender Analysis were used in initial project identification, design, monitoring and implementation. One element of small group reflection centres on sound management strategies for successful achievement of long-term Transformational Development, including gender equity and justice.

The Harvard Analytical Framework: Project Application Session

After a community practicum in which participants experience first-hand how to use the Harvard Analytical Framework, they engage in small group work, plan a presentation of their findings and lessons learned in the community, and share this information in a plenary session. Participants are encouraged, in their community practicum, to determine how linking Gender Analysis to each phase of the LEAP Cycle will enhance effectiveness of GAD programming.

The Gender Analysis Matrix

After working with the Harvard Analytical Framework, participants are introduced to the Gender Analysis Matrix. Small group work and plenary discussion give participants opportunity to work with the matrix directly, and to implement its use in specific and appropriate development scenarios. Participants also examine how use of this tool can support empowerment goals and transformed gender relations in communities.

Empowerment: Goals, Definitions and Classifications

Empowerment is examined within a specific paradigm, distinguishing power as “power over”, “power to”, “power with” and “power within”. Participants evaluate essential gender dynamics associated with their work. As empowerment is an important World Vision choice for sustainable development work, a clear understanding of goals, definitions and classifications of empowerment is crucial to sound programming.

Equality and Empowerment Framework (EEF)

Presentation of the Equality and Empowerment Framework leads participants to further integration of GAD concepts and Gender Analysis Tools, increasing their range of options as they work in sustainable development. This opportunity to become acquainted with a widely used framework and to examine it in light of Transformational Development principles broadens awareness of resources adaptable for various contexts and enhances programming expertise across the LEAP Cycle.

Participatory Learning Approach and Gender Analysis

Most participants will be familiar with PLA. This session links expertise and experience in PLA with Gender Analysis. Content includes timelines, family lines, trends analysis and participatory resource mapping. Questions and engagement with PLA is linked to the Harvard Analytical Framework, encouraging integration of Gender Analysis Tools where appropriate. Ways PLA can be used in each phase of the LEAP Cycle to lead towards transformed gender relations is also discussed.

The 24-Hour Day

Staff can practise and master this effective and simple tool by interviewing each other in pairs or small groups. They then analyse data gathered, and review types of work (reproductive, productive and community) in light of GAD. Roles of women and men, boys and girls are illumined and considered in each phase of the LEAP Cycle.

Gender-Sensitive Indicators: An Overview

Differences between qualitative and quantitative indicators are defined here. After a presentation of the Canadian International Development Agency’s (CIDA) Guide to Gender-Sensitive Indicators, participants engage in a case study utilising these indicators. In this process, participants integrate and apply what they have learned in previous sessions. Participants also examine how sound Gender Analysis is reflected in World Vision’s Transformational Development Indicators (TDIs) and ultimately supports transformed gender relations between men and women, girls and boys.