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10 Easy Steps for Preparing Your Training Session

Step 1
Review examples of training designs in this Introduction.

Step 2
Identify specific training needs of the group you will lead. Establish time available for workshops or sessions.

Step 3
Identify modules and sessions corresponding to current training needs and allotted time.

Step 4
Review Facilitation Guidelines for sessions you choose. Note links in the guidelines to appropriate handouts and activities, then locate the handouts and activities you will need. Familiarise yourself with the links to LEAP in the sessions you have chosen.

Step 5
If desired, photocopy Facilitation Guidelines, handouts and activity materials. Prepare your customised training guide for the workshop.

Step 6
Make any further preparations for the sessions you will be using, as noted in the Facilitation Guidelines. Prepare icebreakers; review strategies.

Step 7
Consider including experienced participants as part of the facilitation and presentation team, if appropriate. Prepare these participants before the session

Step 8
For quick daily feedback or evaluation, simply ask participants to respond to one or two questions about the day. Make appropriate adjustments as needed the following day.

Step 9
Include time for written and spoken evaluation at the end of the workshop.

Step 10
After the workshop, save your customised training guide for the workshop, along with your notes, lessons learned, and ideas for further use. If you receive a request for that particular workshop format again, your session is ready to go.