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36 total results found

Training Design for the Gender Training Toolkit

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Introduction

Gender training facilitators have to address time constraints while accommodating specific staff requests and needs. This Toolkit has been designed with these constraints and training needs in mind. Each session is self-contained, yet can be combined in a vari...

Why Gender and Development(GAD) Is Important to Our Work

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Why Gender and Development(GAD) Is Impo...

WHY GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT (GAD) IS IMPORTANT TO OUR WORKIn this module, Gender and Development (GAD) is linked to World Vision’s Core Values, Mission Statement and policies. Participants explore connections between the organisation’s daily work and gender iss...

World Vision Mission Statement, Core Values and GAD Policy

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Why Gender and Development(GAD) Is Impo...

1.1 World Vision Mission Statement, Core Values and GAD Policy Since the early 1980s, World Vision has grown increasingly aware of the importance and necessity of integrating gender mainstreaming into its daily work and ministry. As emphasised in its core doc...

Gender and Biblical Reflection

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Gender and Biblical Reflection

For an NGO whose identity, history and core values are Christian, a biblical and theologically sound grounding is essential in determining priority, strategy and response at every level of our daily work, particularly regarding Gender and Development. World Vi...

1. From Genesis to Galatians

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Gender and Biblical Reflection

Objectives Reflect on the creation story in Genesis through a gender lens Examine the key passage of Galatians 3:26-28 in light of our faith and gender dynamics Assist participants in the integration of scriptural principles in all aspects of World Vision...

2. Incarnational Power: The Magnificent

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Gender and Biblical Reflection

Objectives Reflect on the perspective of Mary, the young girl who became one of the most influential women in the biblical narrative at a pivotal moment in human history Prepare participants to engage in meaningful theological dialogue on this passage (...

3. Jesus Challenges the Gender Dynamic

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Gender and Biblical Reflection

Objectives Reflect on the role of women during Jesus’ ministry Prepare participants to engage in meaningful discussion with other training participants, staff and community members on how key scriptural passages relate to gender Examine implications of Je...

4. Gender Imagery in The New Testament

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Gender and Biblical Reflection

Objectives Explore the New Testament with a gender lens Prepare to lead meaningful discussion with training participants, staff and community members on scriptural passages related to gender (Estimated Session Time: 1 hour) Session Flow and Descripti...

5. Scripture Search in the Community: Using a Gender Lens

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Gender and Biblical Reflection

Objectives Prepare participants to use Scripture Search methodology Prepare participants to do their part to integrate scriptural principles into all of World Vision’s work Develop the discipline of studying Scripture with a gender lens (Estimated Sess...

Gender and Development Concepts

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Gender and Development Concepts

Module 3 builds on the importance of gender to World Vision’s work in sustainable development and on the importance of understanding a community’s theological perceptions of gender dynamics (Modules 1 and 2). In this module, activities encourage increased awa...

1. Sex and Gender Roles

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Gender and Development Concepts

Objectives Clearly differentiate between “sex” and “gender” as used in GAD Explore cultural conditioning regarding gender roles Prepare participants to explain the difference between “sex” and “gender” to colleagues and community members in GAD scenarios ...

2. The Road from WID to GAD: Key Differences for Gender and Development

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Gender and Development Concepts

Objectives Articulate the difference between WID (Women in Development) and GAD (Gender and Development) Present historical dynamics that led from WID to GAD Explore implications of this change in a Transformational Development process Understand the dif...

3. Practical Gender Needs and Strategic Gender Needs

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Gender and Development Concepts

Objectives Develop clear understanding of theoretical differences between these terms as used in GAD Identify particular gender needs as practical or strategic Relate practical gender needs and strategic gender needs to challenges of project identificatio...

4. Women's Triple Role: Productive, Reproductive and Community Work

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Gender and Development Concepts

Objectives Define the three kinds of work referred to in GAD Link women’s triple role to practical gender needs and strategic gender needs Examine how this division of labour interacts with community dynamics Prepare participants to use this new understa...

An Introduction to Gender Analysis Tools

Gender & Development Training Toolkit Gender Analysis Tools

World Vision’s design, monitoring and evaluation (DME) approach is called LEAP. In English, the acronym stands for Learning through Evaluation with Accountability and Planning. The LEAP framework is the result of a comprehensive Partnership process to achieve ...

Gender Policy Template

Gender Policy Template

Policy statement, & Purpose and Principles Policy statement As an organisation, we are committed to providing a secure and enabling work environment to our regular and contractual staff, and interns. We are committed to providing them with an environment tha...